Friday, November 23, 2012

Student I am Thankful For

Well here goes all my cheese cards.
I remember doing this same blog sophomore year; I had a whole list of people I was thankful for.
Now I feel it was because I didn't want to disappoint any of my friends who were in the class. It's a little easier this year though.
I'm thankful for Artem and Balz...Matthew. I'm sure that made you smile a little since it's of all people, those 2. But you know what, I am thankful for them.
They've made this year very interesting as well as eye opening. In a class other than Philosophy (or any other class not taught by McCarthy), you don't get to share your perspective on certain topics that have been questioned for many many years. This year presented this opportunity and really opended my eyes to views that were either very similar to mine or just the plain opposite.

I'm thanking Artem for never backing down. I'm sure he's the person who points out all the white hair (but cute) elephants in the room that no one dares to. Most of the time you don't hear many people question what the teacher says, but Artem does, and surely Matthew has the Balz...ekas to also question certain parts of the current conversations.

Yes I'm clever, I know.

They both show me a different perspective of my life after they hear my stories or problems. Overall, they also just liven up my classes.


  1. I agree that a person that dares to question the teacher should be recognized as a person that has a lot of courage. I also think that someone who questions the teacher is doing what Socrates would have wanted us to do, because we need to formulate ideas and find meaning in life ourselves.

  2. So I also said I was thankful for Artem... surprising? I agree that one of his most appreciative traits is how he never backs down. He isn't afraid to argue with the teacher or the class to give his point of view and he always defends his thoughts and broadens our own perspectives.
