Thursday, January 17, 2013

Still King?

I believe we come across this question every year around his birthday. It's been 44 years since his death. The question is, is King still king?
He is very much still a king of movement. Even with that being said, I believe that every year passes, the memory of him is overlooked; each new generation skips ahead in history since history is being made everyday -- new information. Back in grade school, I remember when MLK day was quite an event that we'd drop what we were doing and learn about it in class. Perhaps it is with age that it becomes more of a holiday for us rather than a remembrance. But even so, media will remind us most of the historical events that have taken place; I'll bet that...(I was going to say I'll bet there was a Google doodle for it but Google doodle for MLK's birthday but there will most likely be one on Monday.) I appreciate the way Google uses its popularity and own services to remind of us various events with whimsical doodles. 
A good question was asked about this. 
"Would he be as remembered if he didn't die?"

Of course the question was answered thoughtfully:
"Well I do believe his martyrdom contributed to it..." and I'll stop the quote here to avoid being inaccurate on the wording. 

Even if he hadn't been killed I, also, believe that he would still be remembered as he is today. He simply led one of the greatest movements in history. If he had lived, I'm sure he'd be giving motivational speeches with much of his time and continually leading the generations that have come and gone and even the future ones.

Happy 84th Birthday Martin Luther King Jr.


  1. ALL of this is so true. 100% true

  2. I think most people nowadays think of MLK day as a day off from school or work, although there may be flittering thoughts about what he did, but no one really thinks about it unless it is addressed in class or there is some sort of a major issue that has come to light regarding him. I'm glad these blogs are about him this week. If King were alive... I think he'd even play a big role in the gay rights movement today.
