Friday, October 5, 2012

How do we know what we know?

How do we know what we know?
Well we don’t. All of what we know is based on what others have told us is right or wrong. But of course, most questions have a right and a wrong based on the person – a bit like morality.
I’m going to pick a hard topic. I’ve known words for most of my life; certain words go to certain objects, people, nouns, etc. But in reality, is there a right and a wrong word for all of these things we give a name? Up may be down, left may be right, however, they’re just words. Words that were made up some time ago by those who thought it was best for survival. These words have spread throughout the whole world and have made a variation of their own.
At the same time, a lot of the languages are similar based on their geography. The simplicity of it is, is that one can point to an object and the person will recognize it, however if I were to say “chair” they wouldn’t understand unless they knew English or a language that had a similar sound. In Chinese it would be the world equivalent to “space” or “spot”. This is one thing I’ve known all my life.
However there is another I want to bring up. I have known all my life, that I am alive. However, I once heard that…perhaps we are not alive (or just me), perhaps we are in our afterlife, living in this hell, or heaven – we just don’t know it. But of course, life and afterlife, similar aren’t they? Just living again. It all comes back to words, the words we play with. It just makes you think about the things or actions associated to the word, that is what makes one thing. Because we have learned what we know as left if I were to say that left is not left, left is actually right. We think it’s not possible because it’s the action connected to it.


  1. Are we really alive? Sometimes I feel like the world I'm living in is not actually reality, but a fabrication of the mind.

    Also, language is fascinating in the sense that people all over the world can understand what an object is by looking at it, but the word used to call it is different depending on the language.

    Imagine if left is right and right is left! But the only thing that would change is the words, not the direction. Like you said, it's the action connected to it.

  2. Those are good points. I believe someone a long time ago just pointed at something and yelled out a word and that' what we go by today. A chair could have been called a car. I like what you said about being alive. Are we really? And does reality even exist? Everything was made up at one point who's to say it was right.
