Thursday, September 27, 2012

The unexamined life is not worth living? -- Modern Day Gadfly.

Let's start here; in a perfect world where everything can be explained, it would be safe to say that this: this question really relies on your definition of what "worth" means and what your boundaries on your definition are. But our world is not perfect therefore leading in to my real blog entry.
When one's life is unexamined...I'm sure that would mean your personality hasn't changed at all. People tend to change when they have an experience, they look back on it, reflect and either are indifferent about it or change their habits. Perhaps the way they handled the situation was too offensive, thus making a change in how they come off -- or they were too nice and got stepped on. 

Say a person has gotten drunk every day of the week for a month, during this time he got arrested, beat up, and out-cast(ed). If he continues this, he is basically that soul-less body that runs as psychology has said before. Is that life worth living? The mundane tasks that he carries out day-by-day, to me, would seem like a life that's not worth living. But then again, to him it may be fun -- who knows? It's his mind and he may think it's worth living. 

Examining your life sometimes makes it better. Perhaps that's a better way to say it. Is life in general worth living if we're going to die in the end? 
Based upon what you believe in either your memories will be wiped and you'll be reborn/stay dead/etc. or you'll live in the afterlife in heaven or hell.

This brings up the creation of the almost always debatable topic of philosophy. 

For the modern-day gadfly...well I'll just say that I've heard names here and there.
Rush Limbaugh to name one.....Howard Stern perhaps. Course, I've never heard these 2 speak on their broadcasts before but I've heard Howard Stern on his own and he can be pretty out there. But for him, I just think you have to be tough. I've also already heard enough of Rush to come to the conclusion that he is pretty irritating to those that listen to him. He may be going with the status quo by being in politics, but his ideas sound a little like...BZZZZZZZZZZZ.

Irritating, right?
He's already irritating to me since he talks about politics.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


September 6th, 2012

Dearly departed Serina Lane was only 17 years old when she was traded to aliens in exchange for a pollution-free America. 
It is safe to say that she was one for the environment to take this one "for the team". She rarely got to enjoy the lush greenery that is Chicago; only once a month did she enjoy it at her birthplace of Iowa. She may have been raised in the city, but she never lost her country corn-eating roots. 
She had a love for animals, especially her 2 cat children. Animals and nature were her main subjects in her photography. Photography was a huge hobby of hers. Whenever she got the chance she would run and get her camera in hopes that a bird would still be in a tree. She once told me a story of a blue jay. One that allowed her to get closer and closer while she snapped away. It had its beak open, as if showing a smile. She was so close that she wasn't even in zoom. If one were to look at the picture, it would be exactly in the distance that her eyes perceived. 
She told this story to others; one said that it could sense that she meant it no harm, and allowed her to take these pictures.
Serina was one with nature, so close that, as she did not have a tripod, simply used a tree as a tripod -- trusting it not to drop her $700 camera...
She loved to read at her own pace; the range on the type of books were not what one would think. The Pig That Wants to Be Eaten - a book for a philosopher's mind, Vampire Diaries - a curiosity as to compare to the TV series, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - an old time favorite for Greek mythology, also one she couldn't remember about a Native American boy and a wolf cub...
One thing about Serina...she loved philosophy. It was one of those subjects that there really was no wrong answer to. Perhaps morally wrong...but it is all in the mind of the person doing the thinking; the perspective.
If anything more to say, one should have asked her more to get to know her better than I conjure up to put in this eulogy.

If she were alive and not too lazy to go get her laptop to post the bird picture, I'm sure she would.